
The table below lists all marine licence applications, projects and documentation submitted to Marine Scotland Information and associated with the Screening term.
MSLOT application type Date of application (if applicable) Licence commencement date (as granted) (if applicable)
Screening Opinion - Construction and Dredging - Fishinish - SCR-0092 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Capital Dredge and Improvement Works- Dundee Port- SCR-0096 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Lifeboat Station - Anstruther - SCR-0091 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Construction and Dredging - Fishinish - SCR-0092 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request- Dredging and Construction- Portavadie- SCR-0093 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion Request - Lifeboat Station - Anstruther - SCR-0091 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Breakwater Extension - Crinan Boatyard - SCR-0088 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion Request – Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Slipway Construction - Isle of Pladda - SCR-0086 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request- Breakwater Extension- Crinan Boatyard- SCR-0088 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Quayside Construction - Eastern Inner Dock Quay, Port of Nigg Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion- Construction of Flood Defences- Lower Largo Peir, Fife- SCR-0085 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request- Slipway Construction- Isle Of Pladda- SCR-0086 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Montrose Bay Coastal Erosion Project - Montrose, Angus - SCR-0082 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion- Road Protection Works – South Haven, Fair Isle - SCR-0087 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Marine Construction - Lerwick Marina Breakwater - SCR-0083 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Marine Construction - Lerwick Marina Breakwater - SCR-0083 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Quay Extension - Smith Quay, Peterhead - SCR-0084 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Quay Extension - Smith Quay, Peterhead - SCR-0084 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening - Road Protection Works – South Haven, Fair Isle - SCR-0087 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Capital Dredging and Sea Deposit - Ardersier Port - SCR-0081 Dredging
Screening Request - Capital Dredging and Sea Deposit - Ardersier Port - SCR-0081 Dredging
Screening Request - Construction of Flood Defences – Lower Largo Peir, Fife - SCR-0085 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Marine Construction - Ardersier Port - SCR-0080 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Report - Breakwater Construction - Lerwick Marina - SCR-0083 Construction of new works
Screening Opinion - Construction of Flood Defences - Gruggies Burn - SCR-0073
HRA Screening Report - Cenos Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Response - Buchan Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Dales Voe Ultra Deep Water Quay Development - SCR-0079 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Cumbrae Slipway, Isle of Cumbrae - SCR-0077 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Dales Voe Ultra Deep Water Quay Development - SCR-0079 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Montrose Bay Coastal Erosion Project - Montrose, Angus - SCR-0082 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Anti-Erosion Works - Montrose, Angus - SCR-0082 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion Request - Construction of Flood Defences - Gruggies Burn - SCR-0073 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Forthwind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Sullom Voe Terminal Construction Jetty - Sullom Voe, Shetland - SCR-0075
Screening Report - Cumbrae Ferry Slipway Replacement - SCR-0077 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Sullom Voe Terminal Construction Jetty - Sullom Voe, Shetland - SCR-0075 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent Variation - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Report – Broadshore Hub Wind Farm Development Areas, Moray Firth – January 2024 Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Loch Ryan Habitat Creation - SCR-0070 Other
Screening Request - Berthing Quay, East side of Inner Dock - Port of Nigg, Cromarty Firth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion - Section 36 consent variation - Meygen Tidal Energy Project Area - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Screening Request - Loch Ryan Habitat Creation - SCR-0070
Screening Opinion - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Cofferdam
Screening Opinion - Extension to Sea Wall and Land Reclamation - Atlantis Lodges, Finstown, Orkney - SCR-0067
Screening Opinion - Blackmill Bay Harbour - SCR-0062
Habitats Regulations Appraisal Screening Report - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Renewables - Tidal
Request for Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion - Section 36 consent variation - Meygen Tidal Energy Project Area - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Screening Opinion - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion Request - Capital Dredging and Deposit Variation - Ardersier Nairn - SCR-0063 Dredging
Screening Opinion Request - Extension to Sea Wall and Land Reclamation - Atlantis Lodges, Finstown, Orkney - SCR-0067 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Forth of Forth – Cofferdam Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Land Reclamation - Altanavaig Quarry, Kyelakin, Isle of Skye - SCR- 0057
Screening Opinion - Cumbrae Ferry Slipway Replacement - SCR-0060 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Supplementary Screening Information - Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal Variation - Ardersier Port, Moray Firth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion Request - Blackmill Bay Harbour
Screening Opinion Beach Recharge and Dune Restoration - Eden Estuary Sands, St. Andrews - SCR-0059 Other
HRA Screening Report – Morven Offshore Wind Farm Array Area – July 2023 Renewables - Wind
Screening Report - Tarbert Ferry Terminal Marshalling Area Upgrade Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening - Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal Variation - Ardersier Port, Moray Firth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion Request - Land Reclamation - Altanavaig Quarry, Kyelakin, Isle of Skye - SCR- 0057 Construction of new works
Screening Request - Cumbrae Ferry Slipway Replacement - SCR-0060 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Beach Recharge and Dune Restoration - Eden Estuary Sands, St. Andrews - SCR-0059
Screening Opinion - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development - Dredging - SCR-0056 Dredging
Screening Opinion - Lobnitz Dock Infilling – Clyde Waterfront Renfrew Riverside (CWRR), Glasgow Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
EIA Screening Opinion - Uig Ferry Terminal Development - Uig Isle of Skye - SCR-0055 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Firth of Forth – Additional Landfall Works Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Acairsaid Pier, Eriskay - SCR-0052 Construction of new works
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Proposed Variation to Offshore Transmission Works Marine Licence - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Additional Landfall Works - Screening Request Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Harbour Improvement Works - Colonsay - SCR-0051 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Report - Acairsaid Pier, Eriskay - SCR-0052 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Granton Harbour Redevelopment - SCR-0048 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth - Proposed Variation to Offshore Transmission Works Marine Licence - Screening Request Renewables - Wind
HRA Screening Response - Offshore Wind Power Ltd - West of Orkney Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Invercoe Caravan Park - SCR-0046 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Granton Harbour Redevelopment - SCR-0048 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Invercoe Caravan Park - SCR-0046 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Replacement Seawall - Largs Bay, Largs, North Ayrshire Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion – Govan Basin Infill – SCR-0043
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Renewables - Tidal
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth – Proposed Variation – Screening Request and Report Renewables - Wind
Screening Response - Nature Conservation Appraisal Report – Pentland Offshore Wind Farm, Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Screening - Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal - Ardersier Port, Moray Firth - June 2022 Other dredging
Screening Opinion- Ferry Terminal Redevelopment- Gourock- SCR-0029 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method – Cockenzie, East Lothian Cable
Screening Request - Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method – Cockenzie, East Lothian Cable
Screening Opinion- Harbour Improvement Works - Grutness, Shetland Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Govan Basin Infill - SCR-0043 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Renewables - Tidal
Screening Request - Harbour Improvement Works - Grutness, Shetland Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - HT1 Hydrogen Electrolyser Project - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Granton Harbour Redevelopment - SCR-0041 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening request - Replacement Seawall - Largs Bay, Largs, North Ayrshire Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Leith Outer Berth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Granton Harbour Redevelopment - SCR-0041 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request May 2022 – Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal – Ardersier Port, Moray Firth Dredging
Screening Request - Gourock Ferry Terminal Redevelopment - SCR-0029 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm – Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Section 36 Consent and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farm – Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Dounreay Tri Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion- Riverbank Protection Works- Barra Airport, Barra- SCR-0032 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Ardersier Port Development Dredge Licence Variation Other dredging
Screening Request - Section 36 and Marine Licence Variation - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Dounreay Tri Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Port of Leith Outer Berth - Screening Report and Screening HRA Report Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Construction of Coast Protection - Barra Airport Construction of new works
Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development - Licence Variation Screening Opinion Other
Screening Request - HT1 Hydrogen Electrolyser Project - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre, Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Capital Dredging and Sea Disposal - Ardersier Port, Moray Firth Dredging
Screening Request - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development - Loch Maddy, North Uist Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Harbour Refurbishments - Port Ellen, Argyll and Bute Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Harbour Repairs - Kennacraig, Argyll and Bute Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Report - Construction of Coastal Protection - Stornoway Airport, Isle of Lewis - 00009183 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening opinion - Construction of Coastal Protection - Stornoway Airport, Isle of Lewis - 00009183 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Construction of a Pontoon and Capital Dredging and Sea Deposit of Dredge Material - Port Edgar Marina Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Pier Demolition - Brodick Pier, Arran Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Splay Berth Deepening - Mallaig Harbour Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Harbour Repairs - Kennacraig, Argyll and Bute Maintenance of existing works
Screening Request - Harbour Refurbishments - Port Ellen, Argyll and Bute Maintenance of existing works
Screening request 2021 - Aberdeen Harbour Expansion Project Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request – Pier Demolition – Brodick Pier, Arran Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Splay Berth Deepening - Mallaig Harbour Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
HRA Screening Report Response – Berwick Bank Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Construction of a Rock Armour Revetment - Esso Distribution Terminal, Bowling Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening – Pier Extension and Breakwater Construction – Ulva Pier, Isle of Mull – 00009230 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Watercourse Protection - Glencloy Water, Arran - 00008920 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Construction of a Rock Armour Revetment - Esso Distribution Terminal, Bowling Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Section 36 Consent Variation - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Iona and Fionnphort Breakwaters and Berth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Stranraer Marine Development - Stranraer Marina Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Watercourse Protection - Glencloy Water, Arran Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request – Fionnphort Breakwater and Overnight Berth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request – Iona Breakwater and Berth Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Variation Request - Nigg East Quay Development Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Stranraer Marine Development - Stranraer Marina Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - A82 Croit Anna to Caledonia Seawall Construction - Lochaber, Highlands Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Consultation Responses - Blade Width Increase and Generating Capacity Alteration - Moray West Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Screening Opinion - Replacement Fixed Crossing - Bernera Bridge, Western Isles Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Replacement Fixed Crossing - Bernera Bridge, Western Isles Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - New Quay - Windmill Croft Quay - River Clyde Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening - Variation to offshore transmission works marine licence - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) - 06678 Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - Clyde Waterfront Renfrew Riverside (CWRR) Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Blade Width Increase and Generating Capacity Alteration - Moray West Offshore Windfarm Renewables - Wind
Screening Request - New Quay – Windmill Croft Quay – River Clyde Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Scapa Pier Enhancements - Scapa Flow, Orkney Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Scapa Pier Enhancements - Scapa Flow, Orkney Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Scapa Deep Water Quay - Scapa Flow, Orkney Construction of new works
Screening Opinion - Scapa Deep Water Quay - Scapa Flow, Orkney Construction of new works
Screening Request - Kirkwall Pier and Harbour Enhancements - Kirkwall, Orkney Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Kirkwall Pier and Harbour Enhancements - Kirkwall, Orkney Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Hatston Pier and Terminal Expansion - Hatston, Orkney Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Hatston Pier and Terminal Expansion - Hatston, Orkney Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Construction of a Pontoon and Capital Dredging and Sea Deposit of Dredge Material - Port Edgar Marina Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Land Reclamation for Laydown Area Extension - Kishorn Port Other deposits
Screening Opinion - Shore Street Widening & Promenade - Ullapool, Ross and Cromarty Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Dredging and Reclamation - Robertson Metals Recycling, Inverkeithing Dredging
Screening Opinion - Breakwater construction and land reclamation - Cullivoe Pier, North Yell Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request – Kishorn Port Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Port Edgar Marina Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Construction Yard Redevelopment - Hunterston, North Ayrshire Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Construction of a New Marina - Cullivoe Pier, North Yell Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Request - Inverkeithing Dredging and Reclamation Dredging
Screening Opinion - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Extension Notice Four Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion – Installation of Rock Armour – Helensburgh Pierhead, Helensburgh – 06801 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Opinion - Shetland Tidal Array (as extended) – Bluemull Sound, Shetland Renewables - Tidal
Screening Opinion Request - Redevelopment of Dundee East - Port of Dundee Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Lochmaddy - 07000/07001 - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Sea Wall repair and Extension - Alexandra parade, Peterhead - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Extension Notice Three Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Extension Notice Two Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Screening Extension Notice One Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Hunterston Marine Construction Yard - 2017 Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Forth Rail Bridge access system and walkway - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06963 - Screening Report Construction of new works
Capital Dredging & Dredged Spoil Deposit - Phase 4 Development Variation, Invergordon Service Base - 06709 - Screening Opinion Request Dredging
Capital Dredging & Dredged Spoil Deposit - Phase 4 Development Variation, Invergordon Service Base - 06709 - Screening Opinion Dredging
Forth Rail Bridge access system and walkway - Screening Opinion Request Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth - 07050 - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Alternative Landfall Cable Installation Method - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth - 07050 - Screening Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
Goat Island, Newton Marina, Stornoway - 06826 - Screening and Scoping Report Dredging
Dunbar East Beach - Screening Opinion
Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Offshore Windfarm – Screening Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development - Screening Opinion Request Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Toft Pier Re-Development, Shetland - 06901/06979 - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Extension to Marshalling Area, St Margaret’s Hope, Orkney - 06882 - Screening Opinion Construction of new works
Hunterston Marine Construction Yard Redevelopment - Screening Opinion Request (2019) Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Hunterston Marine Construction Yard Redevelopment - Screening Opinion Request Clarification (2017) Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Hunterston Marine Construction Yard Redevelopment - Screening Opinion Request (2017) Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Extension to Marshalling Area, St Margaret’s Hope, Orkney - 06882 - Screening Opinion Request Construction of new works
Tarbert Ferry Terminal Upgrade, East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - Screening Opinion Request Construction of new works
Tarbert Ferry Terminal Upgrade, East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - Screening Opinion Construction of new works
Meteorological Mast - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Replacement of Sheet Pile Wall – Former Bowling Terminal West Dumbartonshire – Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - s.36 variation - Screening Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - s.36 variation - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Amended Variation - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Amended Variation - Screening Consultation Responses Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Original Variation - Screening Opinion Request Supporting Materials Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Amended Variation - Screening Opinion Request, Revised Consent Area Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Amended Variation - Screening Opinion Request, Offshore Boundary Coordinates Renewables - Wind
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Original Variation - Screening Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
Installation of Rock Armour, Helensburgh Pierhead - 06801 - Screening Report Construction of new works
Installation of Rock Armour, Helensburgh Pierhead - 06801 - Screening Opinion Construction of new works
Forthwind Offshore Development Phase 1 - Amended S36 Variation - Screening Opinion Request Renewables - Wind
Granton Harbour Redevelopment - Screening Opinion Request - November 2017
Granton Harbour Redevelopment - Screening Opinion - February 2018
Granton Harbour Redevelopment - Screening Opinion Request - August 2017
Granton Harbour Redevelopment - Screening Opinion - October 2017
Lochaline Ferry Terminal Berth Redevelopment, Morvern - Screening Opinion Request Construction of new works
Toft Pier Re-development, Shetland - Screening Opinion Request
Quay Improvement Works, Ardrossan Harbour - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Quay Improvement Works, Ardrossan Harbour - Screening Opinion Request
Toft Pier Re-development, Shetland - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Lochaline Ferry Terminal Berth Redevelopment, Morvern - Screening Opinion Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster - Screening opinion Construction of new works
St. Ola Pier Redevelopment, Scrabster - Screening Opinion Request Construction of new works
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Screening Opinion Renewables - Wind
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