Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) Applications - Crown Estate Scotland

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This dataset represents the successful application areas of the INTOG leasing round.

This dataset represents the successful application areas for the INTOG leasing round as of the Data Last Updated date. The boundaries reflect those agreed with successful applicants. Areas may change before the final legal agreements are in place. This data will be updated if awards change with the final version being available once legal agreements are completed. 

This dataset is in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) coordinate reference system. Should you have any questions regarding this dataset please email 

Crown Estate Scotland manages rights to exploit renewable energy and gas storage in Scottish Territorial Waters and the Scottish zone of the European Economic Zone. To find out more about Crown Estate Scotland's function, purpose, and values visit their website

Explore more of their open data at Crown Estate Scotland Spatial Hub.

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