Marine Scotland Data Portal

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Marine Scotland Data Publication is a platform for publishing datasets with associated digital object identifiers (DOI's). This allow users to reference data appropriately, and for researchers to gain recognition for publishing data.

Support information: 

We automatically load the datasets from this portal into the marine information portal. You can also access and search these datasets with additional metadata and data exploration features on the dedicated portal

Titlesort ascending Updated date
Spatio-temporal variability in Scottish smolt emigration times and sizes 21/02/2019
South West Islay Bathymetry Package 21/02/2019
SOETAG Rocky Shore Monitoring Programme. TBT Conatmination in Sullom Voe, Shetland. 2009 Dogwhelk Survey 21/02/2019
Site locations for the National Electrofishing Programme for Scotland (NEPS) and west coast SAC rivers (2018) 14/08/2018
Site locations for the National Electrofishing Programme for Scotland (NEPS) and west coast SAC rivers (2018) 04/04/2019
Site locations for the National Electrofishing Programme for Scotland (NEPS) and west coast SAC rivers (2018) 24/04/2020
Simplified Displacement model: Foraging Birds 21/02/2019
Short-Term Behavioural Responses of Wintering Waterbirds to Marine Activity: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Waterbird Species during the Non-Breeding Season to Marine Activities in Orkney and the Western Isles 21/02/2019
Shetland bathymetry package 21/02/2019
Selectivity in trawl fishing gears 08/05/2019
Selecting a Bath Treatment for the Marine Carpet Sea Squirt Didemnum vexillum, Kott 2002 in Scottish Shellfish Aquaculture 21/02/2019
Sea Lice Data Shuna Sound Region 17/02/2023
Screening Request- Dredging and Construction- Portavadie- SCR-0093 23/01/2025
Screening Request- Breakwater Extension- Crinan Boatyard- SCR-0088 18/09/2024
Screening Request - Construction of Flood Defences – Lower Largo Peir, Fife - SCR-0085 17/06/2024
Screening Request - Construction and Dredging - Fishinish - SCR-0092 10/02/2025
Screening Request - Capital Dredge and Improvement Works- Dundee Port- SCR-0096 04/02/2025
Screening Opinion- Road Protection Works – South Haven, Fair Isle - SCR-0087 08/08/2024
Screening Opinion- Construction of Flood Defences- Lower Largo Peir, Fife- SCR-0085 09/09/2024
Screening Opinion - Acairsaid Pier, Eriskay - SCR-0052 10/03/2023
Screening Opinion - Lifeboat Station - Anstruther - SCR-0091 17/12/2024
Screening - Road Protection Works – South Haven, Fair Isle - SCR-0087 17/07/2024
Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey Data 25/10/2018
Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey Data 24/04/2020
Scottish Shelf Model Integrated grid 1960 - 2004 climatology 1.01 27/03/2020


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