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Oil and Gas - North Sea Interactive (NSI) biological and chemical environmental survey availability for oil and gas licence blocks

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This layer is a simplified representation of the data available through the North Sea Interactive (NSI) project carried out by Heriot Watt University, BGS and National Oceanography Centre. It combines information from the NSI product and the oil and gas licensed areas layers to highlight what type of sampling has been conducted in each area as part of the offshore environmental surveys carried out by oil and gas operators.

Oil and Gas - Coal Mining Licence Areas (Coal Authority WMS)

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It is the statutory responsibility of The Coal Authority to licence and monitor the extraction of coal by private operators. These Licence areas relate to any granted licence for the working of coal since the creation of The Coal Authority in October 1994. This layer shows licenced areas of underground and open cast coal sites and underground coal gasification (UGC). UGC is an industrial process, which converts coal into product gas.


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