Map Layers (NMPi)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon
Titlesort ascending Updated date
Salmon and Sea Trout - Salmon Fishery Districts 31/10/2023
Saithe distribution in Scotland's seas 16/06/2023
Saithe - spawning grounds (Coull et al 1998) 28/09/2017
Saithe - nursery grounds (Coull et al 1998) 08/01/2018
Rum - Red-throated diver - Maximum curvature and predicted distribution (NatureScot WMS) 05/09/2023
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Reserves 23/07/2019
Route Density (EMSA) Annual Totals - Tanker (EMODnet WMS) 23/10/2023
Route Density (EMSA) Annual Totals - Passenger (EMODnet WMS) 23/10/2023
Route Density (EMSA) Annual Totals - Other (EMODnet WMS) 23/10/2023
Route Density (EMSA) Annual Totals - Fishing (EMODnet WMS) 23/10/2023
Route Density (EMSA) Annual Totals - Cargo (EMODnet WMS) 23/10/2023
Route Density (EMSA) Annual Totals - All types (EMODnet WMS) 23/10/2023
Round-nose grenadier distribution in Scotland's seas 16/06/2023
Rod and Lines - Scottish Under 12m vessels - Annual average value (2018-2022) (£) 13/05/2024
Rockall and Helen's Reef - high resolution multibeam echosounder bathymetry 09/01/2019
Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) and Gas Importation and Storage Zone (GISZ) Limits adjacent to Scotland - EEZ Order 2013 05/12/2022
Relative visibility of Scotland’s coastal marine areas from the land (Viewshed analysis) 08/05/2019
Regulating and Several Orders for shellfish 05/12/2022
Regional Inshore Fisheries Groups Areas (RIFGs) 10/05/2023
Reefs 29/11/2023
Ramsar sites contributing to the MPA Network (SNH WMS) (OSCP) 16/06/2023
Ramsar sites - all sites including terrestrial (SNH WMS) (OSCP) 16/06/2023
Prospective sand and gravel resources (hidden below 1:500,000) 13/03/2023
Properties in Care (HES WMS) (OSCP) 07/11/2022
Possible Marine Conservation Orders (MCOs) and fisheries management measures for consultation (MPAs and SACs) - November 2019 21/11/2019


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