Map Layers (NMPi)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon
Title Updated datesort descending
Map 55 - Waste water discharges 17/06/2019
Normalised annual anomalies of sea surface temperature (°C) up to 2016 (relative to 1981–2010 base period), collected at SCObs sites, by SMR 18/06/2019
Map 13 - Distribution of breeding bird colonies - Arctic and Great skua 17/07/2019
Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) Reserves 23/07/2019
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Reserves 23/07/2019
Cruise Scotland - Number of ship calls per port - 2013-2018 (time-aware) 24/07/2019
PMF Consultation - Estimated footprint - fishing with dredges 2009-2016 07/08/2019
Map 27 - Intertidal sediment and supported habitat (Part 2/2) 18/09/2019
ECOMMAS Proportion Porpoise Detection-Positive Days (2013-2016 time aware content) 22/10/2019
ECOMMAS Median Porpoise Detection Positive Hours (2013-2016 time aware content) 22/10/2019
ECOMMAS Proportion Dolphin Detection-Positive Days (2013-2016 time aware content) 22/10/2019
Cultural Heritage - Museums with maritime exhibitions 07/11/2019
Eutrophication - Silicates - 2012 to 2019 08/11/2019
Eutrophication - Phosphates - 2012 to 2019 08/11/2019
Possible Marine Conservation Orders (MCOs) and fisheries management measures for consultation (MPAs and SACs) - November 2019 21/11/2019
Wave Exposure Index (Wave Fetch Model) (Zoom restricted) 07/01/2020
Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pupping sites (OSCP) 30/01/2020
Defence (Military) - MoD establishments and estate 16/03/2020
Assessment areas - OSPAR area - Regions 18/03/2020
SEPA Tide Gauge Network 31/03/2020
Human Population - Mid-2016 Population Density Estimates for Localities in Scotland (NRS) 11/05/2020
Human Population - Mid-2016 Population Estimates for Localities in Scotland (NRS) 11/05/2020
Inshore Fisheries Pilots - Outer Hebrides Inshore Fisheries Pilot Area 04/11/2020
Sectoral Marine Plan (SMP) - Wind (Offshore) Plan Options (2020) 11/05/2021
Lesser Sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) - Celtic Seas - Predicted density of buried sandeels (number per m^2) 28/06/2021


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