Marine Scotland Data Portal

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Marine Scotland Data Publication is a platform for publishing datasets with associated digital object identifiers (DOI's). This allow users to reference data appropriately, and for researchers to gain recognition for publishing data.

Support information: 

We automatically load the datasets from this portal into the marine information portal. You can also access and search these datasets with additional metadata and data exploration features on the dedicated portal

Title Updated datesort descending
Finding out the Fate of Displaced Birds 21/02/2019
EMEC Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site: Wildlife Observations Project Annual Report 21/02/2019
The East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study 21/02/2019
European Marine Energy Centre Scale Site Wildlife Observation Programme Data 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea Scottish Otter Trawl Quarter 4 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
West Islay bathymetry package 21/02/2019
Crab and Lobster Fisheries in Scotland: Results of Stock Assessments 2009-2012 21/02/2019
At-Sea Turnover of Breeding Seabirds: Final Report to Marine Scotland Science 21/02/2019
Taint, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAHs) and N-Alkane Analysis of Farmed Mussels and Salmon Samples Following the Transocean Winner Rig Incident 21/02/2019
Using historic tag data to infer the geographic range of salmon river stocks likely to be taken by a coastal fishery 21/02/2019
Modelling of Noise Effects of Operational Offshore Wind Turbines including noise transmission through various foundation types 21/02/2019
To Develop the Methodology to Undertake Stock Assessments on Razor Fish Using Combinations of Video Monitoring and Electrofishing Gear 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model 1990 – 2014 climatology – reduced precision output from version 2.01 21/02/2019
Collation of Available Datasets on Smolt Populations in Scotland to Assess Migration Run Times 21/02/2019
Modelling Harbour Seal Movements 21/02/2019
European Marine Energy Centre Fall of Warness Wildlife Observation Data 21/02/2019
Greater North Sea International Otter Trawl Quarter 3 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Pentland Firth Bathymetric Geodatabase 21/02/2019
Collection of Data to Inform the Implementation of a Discards Ban 21/02/2019
Development of a Model for Predicting Large Scale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Juvenile Fish Abundance from Electrofishing Data 21/02/2019
Harbour seal diet composition and diversity 21/02/2019
Report on razor clam surveys in the Sound of Harris and the Ayrshire coast of the Clyde (Girvan to North Bay) 21/02/2019
Measurement of Contaminants and their Effects in Environmental Samples - Proposal for the Revision of the Sampling Programme 21/02/2019
An Investigation into the Commercial Viability of Fish Traps and Jig Fishing in the Scottish Demersal Fishery 21/02/2019
Scottish Coastal Observatory - Stonehaven Site 21/02/2019


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