Historic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) (HES WMS)

What is it: 

There are many thousands of marine heritage sites on the seabed around Scotland. A small number of sites of national importance have statutory protection as Historic Marine Protected Areas.

The vessels / sites are:

  1. Drumbeg (Sutherland)
  2. Mingary (Sound of Mull)
  3. Kinlochbervie
  4. Campania (Firth of Forth)
  5. Out Skerries (Shetland)
  6. Dartmouth (Sound of Mull)
  7. Duart Point (Sound of Mull)
  8. Iona (Firth of Clyde)
This information page is part of the theme: 
Campania lying on a shallow shoaling bank of sand and gravel in the Firth of Forth
Campania - Firth of Forth © ADUS/MoD Salvage and Marine; and Wessex Archaeology