Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) licence 100017572

Map layers on NMPi may contain data based on digital spatial data licensed from Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, © NERC.  Which includes mapping data based on Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 maps with the permission of HMSO © Crown copyright and/or database right 2006. Licence 100017572.

References to this data should include:

1:50,000 rivers: Moore RV, Morris DG and Flavin RW, 1994. Sub-set of UK digital 1:50,000 scale river centre-line network. NERC, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford.

The following copyright and acknowledgement should be placed on all copies of information or images derived from the licensed CEH river network data:

‘Based on digital spatial data licensed from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, © NERC (CEH)' (preceded if appropriate by 'Some features of this map are'); and 'Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year]'.

Salmon and Sea Trout - Scottish Salmon Rivers (hidden when zoomed in past 1:50,000)

Marine Scotland Information NMPi icon

Salmon Rivers in Scotland (2008), produced by Scottish Government Marine Scotland Science with information from Fisheries Trusts and other sources. The 2008 digital salmon rivers data was produced from the earlier salmon distribution map (Gardiner and Egglishaw, 1986) along with new information from Fisheries Trusts and other sources. The collated data were coded on to Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) 1:50,000 digital rivers data. Gardiner, R. and Egglishaw, H. (1986). A Map of the Distribution in Scottish Rivers of the Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Pitlochry. 5pp + folded map. Scottish Fisheries Publication.

* Please Note * This layer was derived by the Scottish Government from a licensed dataset. It is not downloadable or routinely available.

The data can be shared on request if a user provides evidence that they hold a licence from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) for the 1:50,000 Digital River Network.


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