Salmon and Sea Trout - Salmon Fishery Districts

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Salmon Fishery District boundaries used by Scottish Government Marine Scotland for reporting annual statistics obtained from salmon catch returns made by the owners, occupiers and agents of salmon fisheries. There are 109 Salmon Fishery Districts (SFD) – see information on the layer fields below.

Salmon Fishery District boundaries were derived by Scottish Government Marine Scotland from Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) 1:50,000 river catchment boundaries, Institute of Hydrology 1:50,000 DTM data and the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Acts 1862-1868, with some input from District Salmon Fishery Boards. 

* Please Note * This layer was derived by the Scottish Government from a licensed dataset. It is not downloadable or routinely available. The data can be shared on request if the user provides evidence that they hold a licence from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) for the 1:50,000 Digital Terrain Model (DTM). 

Salmon Fishery District Layer:

Salmon Fishery District ID 
109 Districts, ordered and numbered alphabetically on SFD_Name

Salmon Fishery District Name 
Shortened name based on the 1868 Salmon Fisheries Scotland Act naming, with later additions

Salmon Fishery District Order
109 Districts, numbered consecutively in anti-clockwise order around the coast from River Tweed

Conservation of Salmon (Scotland) Regulations ID
109 areas, ordered and numbered alphabetically on CSSR_Name in the Conservation Regulations

Conservation of Salmon (Scotland) Regulations Name
Shortened name based on the Conservation Regulations 2016 naming, adapted from the 1868 Act

Salmon Fishery Statistical Region ID
11 Regions, numbered consecutively in anti-clockwise order around the coast from River Tweed

Salmon Fishery Statistical Region Name
Regional areas used in Marine Scotland statistical reporting

Area in square kilometres
Salmon Fishery District Area calculated from British National Grid projection

GIS Data Type: 
Web Service Information: 
Base WMS Address:
Layer name:nmp:salmon_fishery_districts
Does this layer display time aware features: 
Usage limitations: 
Maps containing Salmon Fishery District boundaries require Crown copyright, with acknowledgement of SEPA and CEH: 'District boundaries derived from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) 1:50,000 river catchment data'; 'Based on digital spatial data licensed from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, © NERC (CEH)' (preceded if appropriate by 'Some features of this map are'); 'Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right [year]'.

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