Decision notice

The table below lists all marine licence applications, projects and documentation submitted to Marine Scotland Information and associated with the Decision notice term.
MSLOT application type Date of application (if applicable) Licence commencement date (as granted) (if applicable)
Decision Letter - Acoustic Deterrent Device - Clashnessie Bay- 00010760 Other
Construction Programme – Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Iona Harbour Redevelopment - Iona Harbour - 00010432 & 00010433 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Decision Notice - Culzean Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Pilot Project - East of Aberdeen - 00010724 Renewables - Wind
Cable Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Programme - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Windfarm – Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance Programme Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Notice - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (2 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010232 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Notice - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Offshore Transmission Infrastructure (1 of 2) - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010231 Renewables - Wind
Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Notice - Green Volt Offshore Windfarm - Generating Station - East of Aberdeenshire Coast - 00010230 Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness - 00010577, 00010578 & Section 36 Consent Renewables - Wind
Public Notice of Decision - Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm - Dounreay, Caithness Renewables - Wind
Piling Strategy and Decision Notice - Moray West Offshore Windfarm, Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Section 36 Consent Variation - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Decision Letter - Acoustic Deterrent Device - Clashnessie Bay- 00010080 Other
Moray West Inter Array Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Section 36 Consent Variation - Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site, EMEC Renewables - Tidal
Decision Notice - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth - MS-00009834 Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Forthwind Offshore Wind Demonstration Project - Methil, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Outer Berth Construction, Capital Dredge and Sea Deposit - Port Of Leith - 00009818 & 00009819 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
European Protected Species Licence Application - Acoustic Deterrent Device - North Moine, Shuna Castle, Kames Bay East, Kames Bay West, Ardifuir and Pooltiel West - Decision Letter - 00009937 Other
Moray West Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Piling Strategy Renewables - Wind
Moray West Fisheries Mitigation Management Strategy Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Harbour Development - Staffin, Skye - 00009582 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Multi-stage Decision Notice - Uig Harbour Redevelopment Construction of new works
Notice of Decision – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00009291 Cable
Decision Notice – Construction of Export Cable – Seagreen 1A Export Cable Corridor, Firth of Forth - 00009291 Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice- Deep Water Port, Glumaig Bay, Stornoway- 00008478/00008479 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Primary Radar Mitigation Scheme – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction - Nigg Energy Park East Quay - 07069/00009032 Construction of new works
Piling Strategy – Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Construction Programme - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Wind Farm Piling Strategy - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Transmission Asset Piling Strategy - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Offshore Transmission Asset Construction Method Statement - Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Cable Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Offshore Windfarm and Transmission Works - Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design), Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Air Traffic Control Radar Mitigation Scheme - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Navigational and Safety Vessel Management Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Offshore Wind Farm Construction Method Statement – Seagreen Alpha and Bravo Wind Farms Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Uig Harbour Redevelopment Construction of new works
Piling Strategy - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Emergency Response Co-operation Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Environmental Management Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Construction Traffic Management Plan - Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm (Revised Design) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Vessel Management Plan Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan Renewables - Wind
Construction Method Statement - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Construction Programme - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Development Specification and Layout Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Environmental Management Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Lighting and Marking Plan - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Operational and Maintenance Programme - Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Scrabster Harbour Redevelopment- St.Ola Pier, Scrabster Harbour, Thurso- 07075/07076 Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Decision Notice - Section 36 Consent Extension of the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Aberdeen Bay Renewables - Wind
Commencement Phase 1(b) Decision Notice - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
Decision Notice – Construction and operation of generating station, Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth – 04677 Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice – Construction and operation of generating station, Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice – Construction and operation of transmission works, Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo Offshore Wind Farms, Firth of Forth – 04678 Renewables - Wind
Notice of Decision - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of Telford Offshore Wind Farm, Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Construction and Operation of MacColl Offshore Wind Farm - Moray East Offshore Wind Farm, Outer Moray Firth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Dredging Environmental Management Plan – Granton Harbour Redevelopment,Edinburgh – 06807 Dredging
Decision Notice Variation - Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind farm - Neart na Gaoithe, Firth of Forth Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal Development Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Decision Notice - Ardersier Port Development Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Decision Notice of Section 36 Consent Variation - MeyGen Tidal Energy Project - Inner Sound, Pentland Firth Renewables - Tidal
06473/06474 - Decision Notice Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Moray East Offshore Windfarm – Offshore Transmission Infrastructure Piling Strategy (OfTI PS) Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) – 06781 – Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) – 06782 – Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - 06764 -Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Moray West Offshore Wind Farm - 06763 -Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
06826 - Decision Notice Dredging
06825 - Decision Notice Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06806/06807 - Decision Notice Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Inch Cape Offshore Windfarm - Decision Notice and Conditions Renewables - Wind
06771 and 06870 – Decision Notice Cable
Kilfinichen Pier Development, Isle of Mull - Decision Notice Construction of new works
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - 06678 - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - 06677 - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm (Revised Design) - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
Port of Cromarty Firth - Phase 4 Development, Invergordon Service Base - Decision Notice
Port of Cromarty Firth - Phase 4 - Decision Notice
Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine - Decision Notice - Marine Licence Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Navigational Safety Plan (NSP) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Marine Archaeological Reporting Plan (MARP) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Lighting and Marking Plan (LMP) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Fisheries Management and Mitigation Strategy - (FMMS) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Development Specification and Layout Plan (DSLP) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Design Statement (DS) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Decommissioning Programme (DP) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Construction Programme (CoP) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Construction Method Statement (CMS) Renewables - Wind
Kincardine Offshore Windfarm - Cable Plan (CaP) Renewables - Wind
Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm - Decision Letter & Conditions Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Offshore Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Decision Notice - Construction Method Statement (CMS) Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Decision Notice - Cable Laying Strategy (CLS) Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Decision Notice - Navigational Safety Plan (NSP) Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Decision Notice - Vessel Management Plan (VMP) Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Decision Notice - Design Statement (DS) Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Decision Notice - Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP) Renewables - Wind
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre - Decision Notice - Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (MPCP) Renewables - Wind
Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - 05515/15/0 - Decision Notice Renewables - Wind
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