Ferry Terminal Development –Tarbert, Isle of Harris

Project stage: 
Project type: 
Construction of new works

Project Applications and supporting documentation

Application stage Application type
Marine Licence - Tarbert Ferry Terminal Upgrade (Capital Dredging & Sea Disposal) - East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 00009559 Licence Dredging
Marine Licence - Upgrades to Tarbert Ferry Terminal - East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 00009557 Licence Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Marine Licence Variation - Upgrades to Tarbert Ferry Terminal - East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907 Licence Construction of new works
Marine Licence Variation Application- Upgrades to Tarbert Ferry Terminal - East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907 Application Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
Notices of Decision - Ferry Terminal Development - Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - Licence Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Consultee Responses Licence
06907/06908 - Decision Notice Licence
06908 - Marine Licence Licence Dredging
06907 - Marine Licence Licence Construction, alteration or improvement of any works
06907/06908 - Appropriate Assessment Determination Construction of new works
06907/06908 – Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Construction Environmental Management Document (Issue 3) Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Public Notice - Gaelic Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Public Notice Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Pre-Application Consultation Form Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Pre-Application Consultation Report Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Transport Assessment Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Scoping Opinion Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 4 Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Scoping Report Application Construction of new works
Tarbert Ferry Terminal Upgrade, East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - Screening Opinion Request Pre-application Construction of new works
Tarbert Ferry Terminal Upgrade, East Loch, Tarbert, Isle of Harris - 06907/06908 - Screening Opinion Pre-application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 3 Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 2 Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - EIAR Volume 1 Application Construction of new works
06908 - Capital Dredging & Sea Disposal Licence Application Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - VibroCore Pre-Disposal Sampling Results Form Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Borehole Pre-Disposal Sampling Results Form Application Construction of new works
06907 - Construction Licence Application Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Construction Environmental Management Document Application Construction of new works
06907/06908 - Best Practicable Environmental Option Report Application Construction of new works