Marine Scotland Data Portal

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Marine Scotland Data Publication is a platform for publishing datasets with associated digital object identifiers (DOI's). This allow users to reference data appropriately, and for researchers to gain recognition for publishing data.

Support information: 

We automatically load the datasets from this portal into the marine information portal. You can also access and search these datasets with additional metadata and data exploration features on the dedicated portal

Title Updated datesort descending
Celtic Sea /Bay of Biscay French Quarter 4 Otter Trawl Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
The Cooperative Participatory Evaluation of Renewable Technologies on Ecosystem Services (CORPORATES) 21/02/2019
Scottish Ocean Climate Status Report 2016 21/02/2019
Spring salmon on the River South Esk, Scotland 21/02/2019
Measurement of contaminants in food for Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptor 9 21/02/2019
Contaminant and biological effect data to support MSFD Descriptor 8 1999-2015 by CSEMP Region 21/02/2019
Comparing the Diet of Harbour and Grey seals in Scotland and eastern England 21/02/2019
Scoping Study For Offshore Wave Energy Development In Scottish Waters 21/02/2019
Strategic Surveys of Seabirds off the West Coast of Lewis to Determine Use of Seaspace in Areas of Potential Marine Renewable Energy Developments 21/02/2019
EMEC Billia Croo Wave Test Site: Wildlife Observations Project Annual Report 21/02/2019
Maximum 7-day rolling mean of maximum temperatures for August 2015 for the rivers Spey, Dee, Tweed and Bladnoch 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea Scottish Quarter 1 Otter Trawl Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
Summary MSS Deepwater trawl species 21/02/2019
Short-Term Behavioural Responses of Wintering Waterbirds to Marine Activity: Quantifying the Sensitivity of Waterbird Species during the Non-Breeding Season to Marine Activities in Orkney and the Western Isles 21/02/2019
Swimming Depth of Sea Trout 21/02/2019
Collection of bycatch data for spurdog (Squalus acanthias) in the North Minch fishery: Report of Fishing Industry Science Alliance (FISA) Project 02/13 21/02/2019
Improved estimates of digestion correction factors and passage rates for harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) prey 21/02/2019
Scoping study for tidal stream energy development in Scottish waters 21/02/2019
EMEC Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site: Wildlife Observations Project Annual Report 21/02/2019
The East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study 21/02/2019
European Marine Energy Centre Scale Site Wildlife Observation Programme Data 21/02/2019
Celtic Sea Scottish Otter Trawl Quarter 4 Groundfish Survey Monitoring and Assessment Data Products 21/02/2019
West Islay bathymetry package 21/02/2019
Application of acoustic tagging, satellite tracking and genetics to assess the mixed stock nature of coastal net fisheries 21/02/2019


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