Marine Scotland Data Portal

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Marine Scotland Data Publication is a platform for publishing datasets with associated digital object identifiers (DOI's). This allow users to reference data appropriately, and for researchers to gain recognition for publishing data.

Support information: 

We automatically load the datasets from this portal into the marine information portal. You can also access and search these datasets with additional metadata and data exploration features on the dedicated portal

Titlesort descending Updated date
The Marine Invasive Non-Native Species Didemnum vexillum: Survey of intertidal and shallow sub-tidal artificial infrastructure in Loch Creran 21/02/2019
The Saltire Prize Programme: Further Scottish leasing Round (Saltire Prize Project) Scoping Study 21/02/2019
The Science Of Deepwater Oil Spills – Results from the 2013 Marine Scotland Science Workshop 21/02/2019
The Scottish Coastal Observatory 1997-2013, parts 1-3 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model 1990 – 2014 climatology version 2.01 11/11/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model 1990 – 2014 climatology – reduced precision output from version 2.01 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model 2038 – 2062 future climatology 2.02 29/10/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model. Part 1: Shelf-Wide Domain 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model. Part 2: Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Sub-Domain 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model. Part 3: St Magnus Bay Sub-Domain 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model. Part 4: East Coast of Lewis and Harris Sub-Domain 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model. Part 5: Wider Loch Linnhe Sub-Domain 21/02/2019
The Scottish Shelf Model. Part 6: Wider Domain and Sub-Domains Integration 21/02/2019
The Use of Indicators for Shellfish Stocks and Fisheries: A Literature Review 21/02/2019
Tiree Bathymetry Package 21/02/2019
To Develop the Methodology to Undertake Stock Assessments on Razor Fish Using Combinations of Video Monitoring and Electrofishing Gear 21/02/2019
Trials to Assess the Effects of Bobbin Groundgear and a 200 mm Square Mesh Panel to Reduce Unwanted By-Catches in the Commercial Nephrops Fishery 21/02/2019
UK Fishing Intensity Associated with Oil and Gas Pipelines (2007-2015) 21/02/2019
UK Ocean Acidification Coastal Monitoring Network - Expanding the Network - Defra Contract C5801/ME5309 21/02/2019
Updated Seal Usage Maps: The Estimated at-sea Distribution of Grey and Harbour Seals 11/11/2019
Using commercial and survey data to infer real-time fish distribution in the North Sea at high resolution 21/02/2019
Using genetic approaches to estimate population sizes of salmon in Scotland 21/02/2019
Using historic tag data to infer the geographic range of salmon river stocks likely to be taken by a coastal fishery 21/02/2019
Weather station, river temperature and discharge data from the Girnock burn in June-July 2013 21/02/2019
West Islay bathymetry package 21/02/2019


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