Decision Notice - Fall of Warness Tidal Site, EMEC

Data Type: 
Marine Licence documentation

The Development shall have a permitted generating capacity of up to 10 MW and shall comprise a tidal-powered electricity generator test station at the Fall of Warness, adjacent to the Island of Eday, Orkney, including a maximum potential of:

1. 18 rotors; on
2. 12 tidal energy devices; across
3. 9 berths
4. With an open rotor diameter of 25 m; or
5. an appropriately substituted annular blade diameter; and
6. a minimum depth of 2.5 m clearance from the sea surface

all as specified in the Application imposed by the Scottish Ministers. References to “the Development” in this consent shall be construed accordingly.

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Document type: 
Section 36 consent(s)
Stage document submitted: 
Type of application: 
Renewables - Tidal

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